The STAP framework requires a specified weight function, that desribes the rate at which the effect of the built environment feature either accumulates or decays across time or space respectively. This vignette explores and explains what happens when that weight function is mis-specified.

num_subj <- 5E2
num_bef <- 50
sub_df <- data_frame(x = runif(n = num_subj, min = 1, max = 2.0),
                     y = runif(n = num_subj, min = 1, max = 2.0),
                     class = "Subject")
bef_df <- data_frame(x = runif(n = num_bef, min = 0, max = 3.0),
                     y = runif(n = num_bef, min = 0, max = 3.0),
                     class = "BEF")

rbind(sub_df,bef_df) %>% ggplot(aes(x=x,y=y,color = class)) + geom_point() + 
    theme_bw() + ggtitle("Subject, BEF Spatial Arrangement")
alpha <- 24
Z <- rbinom(n = num_subj,size = 1,prob = .5)
delta <- -.8
beta <- .92
theta_FF <- 2.00
theta_wei <- 4
sigma <- 1.3
true_pars <- c(alpha,delta,beta,theta_FF)
dists <- fields::rdist(as.matrix(sub_df[,c("x","y")]),

unif_kernel <- function(x,theta) return( 1*(x<=theta)  )
X_unif <- apply(dists,1,function(x) sum(unif_kernel(x,theta_FF)))
X_exp <- apply(dists,1,function(x) sum(exp(-x/theta_FF)))
X_wei <- apply(dists,1,function(x) sum(exp(-(x/theta_wei)^theta_wei)))
X_tilde <- as.matrix(scale(X_unif))
BMI_unif <- alpha + Z*delta + X_tilde*beta + rnorm(n = num_subj,mean = 0,sd = sigma)
BMI_exp <- alpha + Z*delta + scale(X_exp)*beta + rnorm(n = num_subj,mean = 0,sd = sigma)
BMI_wei <- alpha + Z*delta + scale(X_wei)*beta + rnorm(n = num_subj,mean = 0,sd = sigma)
d <- seq(from = 0, to = max(dists),by=0.01)
w_unif <- unif_kernel(d,theta_FF)
w_exp <- exp(-d/theta_FF)
theta_wei <- 4
w_wei <- exp(-(d/theta_wei)^theta_wei)
plot(d,pracma::erfc(d/theta_FF), type = 'l', main = "Cerf Decay")
plot(d,w_unif, type = 'l',main="Uniform Weight")
plot(d,w_exp, type = 'l',main = "Exponential decay")
plot(d,w_wei, type = 'l',main = "Weibull decay")

We’ll now model these data in the rstap framework, but since rstap’s estimation engine uses HMC, we can’t use a weight function that has a step-function. Instead we’ll use the usual complementary error function.

subj_df <- sub_df %>% mutate(BMI_exp = BMI_exp,
                             BMI_unif = BMI_unif,
                             BMI_we = BMI_wei,
                              sex = Z,
                              subj_id = 1:num_subj)

dist_df <- dists %>% as_data_frame() %>%
    mutate(subj_id = 1:nrow(subj_df)) %>% 
    gather(contains("V"), key = 'BEF',value = 'Distance') %>% 
    mutate(BEF = 'Fast_Food')

fit_unif <- stap_glm(formula = BMI_unif ~ sex + sap(Fast_Food),
                subject_data = subj_df,
                distance_data = dist_df,
                family = gaussian(link = 'identity'),
                id_key = 'subj_id',
                prior = normal(location = 0, scale = 5, autoscale = F),
                prior_intercept = normal(location = 26.2, scale = 5, autoscale = F),
                prior_stap = normal(location = 0, scale = 3, autoscale = F),
                prior_theta = log_normal(location = 1, scale = 1), 
                prior_aux = cauchy(location = 0,scale = 5),
                max_distance = max(dists), chains = 2, cores = 2)
as.matrix(fit_unif) %>% as_data_frame() %>%  
    mutate(prior = rlnorm(n=n(),meanlog = 1,sdlog = 1)) %>% 
    gather(everything(),key ='parameter',value = 'sample') %>% 
    filter(parameter%in%c("Fast_Food_spatial_scale","prior")) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=sample,color=parameter)) + geom_density() + theme_bw() + 
    ggtitle("Prior vs. Posterior Comparison")
d <- seq(from = 0, to = max(dists), by = 0.01)
cerf_w <- pracma::erfc(d/coef(fit_unif)[4])
unif_w <- unif_kernel(d,theta_FF)
plot(d,cerf_w, main = "Cerf Weight", type='l')
points(d,pracma::erfc(d/posterior_interval(fit_unif,regex_pars = 'scale')[1]),col='red', type = 'l',lty=2)
points(d,pracma::erfc(d/posterior_interval(fit_unif,regex_pars = 'scale')[2]),col='red', type = 'l',lty=2)
plot(d,unif_w, main = "Unif Weight", type='l')

For a different, more closely related weight function, the discrepancy might not be as bad.

fit_exp <- stap_glm(formula = BMI_exp ~ sex + sap(Fast_Food),
                subject_data = subj_df,
                distance_data = dist_df,
                family = gaussian(link = 'identity'),
                id_key = 'subj_id',
                prior = normal(location = 0, scale = 5, autoscale = F),
                prior_intercept = normal(location = 26.2, scale = 5, autoscale = F),
                prior_stap = normal(location = 0, scale = 3, autoscale = F),
                prior_theta = log_normal(location = 1, scale = 1), 
                prior_aux = cauchy(location = 0,scale = 5),
                max_distance = max(dists), chains = 2, cores = 2)
as.matrix(fit_exp) %>% as_data_frame() %>%  
    mutate(prior = rlnorm(n=n(),meanlog = 1,sdlog = 1)) %>% 
    gather(everything(),key ='parameter',value = 'sample') %>% 
    filter(parameter%in%c("Fast_Food_spatial_scale","prior")) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=sample,color=parameter)) + geom_density() + theme_bw() + 
    ggtitle("Prior vs. Posterior Comparison")
d <- seq(from = 0, to = max(dists), by = 0.01)
cerf_w <- pracma::erfc(d/coef(fit_exp)[4])
exp_w <- exp(-d/theta_FF)
plot(d,cerf_w, main = "Cerf Weight", type='l')
points(d,pracma::erfc(d/posterior_interval(fit_exp,regex_pars = 'scale')[1]),col='red', type = 'l', lty = 2)
points(d,pracma::erfc(d/posterior_interval(fit_exp,regex_pars = 'scale')[2]),col='red', type = 'l', lty = 2)
points(d,exp_w, main = "Exponential Weight", type='l',col='blue',lty=3, lwd = 2)
fit_exp2 <- stap_glm(formula = BMI_exp ~ sex + sap(Fast_Food,exp),
                subject_data = subj_df,
                distance_data = dist_df,
                family = gaussian(link = 'identity'),
                id_key = 'subj_id',
                prior = normal(location = 0, scale = 5, autoscale = F),
                prior_intercept = normal(location = 26.2, scale = 5, autoscale = F),
                prior_stap = normal(location = 0, scale = 3, autoscale = F),
                prior_theta = log_normal(location = 1, scale = 1), 
                prior_aux = cauchy(location = 0,scale = 5),
                max_distance = max(dists), chains = 2, cores = 2)
as.matrix(fit_exp2) %>% as_data_frame() %>%  
    mutate(prior = rlnorm(n=n(),meanlog = 1,sdlog = 1)) %>% 
    gather(everything(),key ='parameter',value = 'sample') %>% 
    filter(parameter%in%c("Fast_Food_spatial_scale","prior")) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=sample,color=parameter)) + geom_density() + theme_bw() + 
    ggtitle("Prior vs. Posterior Comparison")
d <- seq(from = 0, to = max(dists), by = 0.01)
est_w <- exp(-d/coef(fit_exp2)[4])
exp_w <- exp(-(d/theta_FF))
plot(d,est_w, main = "Correct Model", type='l')
points(d,exp(-d/posterior_interval(fit_exp2,regex_pars = 'scale')[1]),col='red', type = 'l', lty = 2)
points(d,exp(-d/posterior_interval(fit_exp2,regex_pars = 'scale')[2]),col='red', type = 'l', lty = 2)
points(d,exp_w, type='l',col='blue',lty=3, lwd = 2)
# loo_cerf <- loo(fit_exp)
# loo_exp <- loo(fit_exp2)
# compare_models(loo_cerf,loo_exp)